Open Government Act (Wet open overheid - Woo)
The Open Government Act (Woo) replaces the Act on public access to government information (Wet openbaarheid van bestuur - Wob). Under the Open Government Act, the council must actively disclose information. Anyone may request information relating to governance.
What you need to know
The council discloses a lot of information. For example:
What you need to know
After consulting this public sector data, you may no longer have to submit a request. Not all information is public, for example, information about personal data and confidential information.
How it works
- Anyone can submit a request under the Open Government Act (Woo).
- The request must concern the council's policy or the implementation of that policy.
- The request must concern recorded and stored information, which may be in writing but also in the form of photographs or audio material.
- In the request tell us clearly what you want information about, which documents you wish to view and for which period.
The council will reach a decision about your request as quickly as possible. Your request must be dealt with (by law) within 4 weeks, with an extra 2 weeks (once only) if required.
Digital information is usually free of charge.
The first 24 copies of documents are free of charge.
If you require 25 or more copies, you pay € 0.35 per copy.